Thursday, June 21, 2018

I always smile a bit when Axios encourages me to "go deeper" into a story by reading another 150 words. On the one hand, that's not deep! On the other hand, I assume they know their audience and for their snippet stories, that is going long form.pic.twitt

I always smile a bit when Axios encourages me to "go deeper" into a story by reading another 150 words. On the one hand, that's not deep! On the other hand, I assume they know their audience and for their snippet stories, that is going long form.

from BrevardSEO Feed
via SEO Biz Marketing

I always smile a bit when Axios encourages me to "go deeper" into a story by reading another 150 words. On the one hand, that's not deep! On the other hand, I assume they know their audience and for their snippet stories, that is going long form.

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